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It is unquestionable. When the outline of a hill intertwines with the patterns of vineyards, the result is spectacular. A new panorama, with man and nature finally in balance. Preserving this harmony, ensuring that it lasts through time, is what comes first. We act with sensitivity and intelligence. This means that if we wish to improve our wine we know that we must start from the landscape, from the soil that hosts us, from its well-being. From the image with which it forms the horizon, to the health of its beating heart. After all, it’s a question of making this “normality” exceptional.

For us, adding value to the beauty of the place goes hand in hand with making wine.

Serafini and Vidotto

Matteo Serafini e i grappoli di uva

Artisans of wine.

Seeing that we are called Serafini & Vidotto, one might say that we have always been a group.

artigiani del vino

needs to be cultivated every day

The principle of beauty

We are convinced that the land belongs to those who farms it, and not to those who own it. We are only passing through, and so the commitment is to leave all this more beautiful and more vital than we found it.

Il territorio dell'area doc Montello-Colli Asolani
i nostri terreni costituiti in prevalenza da argille ferrittizzate


Compatible and intelligent farming.

All our skill

surrounded by the beauty of these places.

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